e, Rinat can you recite the poem about Kazakhstan.
The land of my fathers, the land of my choice.
The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice.
I wish you to flourish, be happy and bright.
I want you to live and never to die!
Пусть небо будет вечно чистым над тобой!
Цвети мой Казахстан, моя земля,
О, Родина моя, будь счастлива всегда!
Құя берсін күн нұрын кең далаға,
Күн мен дәнді силаған елге жаңа.
Асқақтаған Алатау шыңдарындай
Қазақстан көрінсін айналаға!
2. The themes of pupils presentation:
1. Geographical position of Kazakhstan.
2. The State Symbols.
3. Population.
4. Climate.
5. Astana - is the capital of Kazakhstan.
6. Typical Kazakhstan plants.
7. Typical Kazakhstan animals.
8. Almaty - is the city of apples.
9. Culture.
10. The Kazakhstan Cuisine.
11. Customs and Traditions.
12. Horse Games.
13. Traditional costumes.
III. Grammar reference-The gerund ( Герундий )
1. Explaning of teacher(interactive board)
-Образование герундия:
1. to invite - inviting, to write - writing
2. to run - running, to forget - forgetting
3. to lie - lying, to tie - tying, to die - dying
-Функции герундия:
a)Subject- Подлежащее
Drawing is his hobby. Рисование - его любимое занятиe.
б)Predicative -Именная часть сказуемого
My favorite occupation is reading. Мое любимое занятие - чтение.
с)Object - Дополнение
I like reading good books. Я люблю читать хорошие книги.
д)Attribute -Определение
He never missed an opportunity of listening to this singer. Он никогда не упускал возможности послушать этого певца.
е)Adverbial modifier - Обстоятельство.
The hall was used for dan
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