common law, except in Quebec, where civil law system based on the French law prevails.
The racial and ethnic makeup of the Canadian people is diversified. About 35 percent of the population is composed of people of the British origin. People of the French origin total about 25 percent of the population. The vast majority of French-speaking Canadians reside in Quebec, where they make up about three-fourths of the population; large numbers also live in Ontario and New Brunswick.
French-speaking Canadians maintain their language, culture, and traditions, and the federal government follows the policy of a bilingual and bicultural nation. During the 1970s and 1980s the proportion of Asians among the Canadian population increased, and today those who count their ancestry as wholly Asian make up 8 to 10 percent of the population. More than two-thirds of the Asian immigrants live in Ontario or British Columbia. The remainder of the population is composed of people of various ethnic groups, such as German, Italian, Ukrainian, Netherlands Dutch, Scandinavian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek, and Native American. Blacks have never constituteda major segment of the Canadian population. Indigenous people make up nearly 2 percent of Canadas inhabitants.
Канада расположена в северной части Северной Америки, омывается Атлантическим Океаном на востоке, Тихим океаном на западе и Северным Ледовитым океаном на севере и на северо-востоке, заливом Баффина и проливом Девиса, которые отделяют ее от острова Гренландия На юге и на севере Канада граничит с США. Канада является землей огромных расстояний и богатых природных ресурсов. Канада стала самоуправляющимся доминионом в 1867 году, сохраняя при этом связи с британской короной.
Канада является второй по величине
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