Итоговая контрольная работа по дисциплине Иностранный язык для специальности Стоматология профилактическая

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Председатель ЦМК
/Амосова И. В. /
Итоговая контрольная работа по учебной дисциплине
"Иностранный язык"
для студентов специальностей Стоматология профилактическая
II курса.

I Choose the correct modal verb:
1The nurse. . . be careful with the patients.
2 The infectious diseases. . . pass through the mouth and nose.
3 We . . . treat many diseases by diet.
4 You. . . eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
5 He had a bad headache and he. . . do his homework.
6 People. . . eat in order to live.
7 The nurse. . . wear a mask and gloves while she is in the operating room.
8 I . . . sleep because my knees ache in the night.
9 When you give the first aid you. . . be calm.
10 Spasm. . . be caused by different factors.
a) Can b) may c) must d) should e) could not f) cannot
II Choose the correct preposition:
1 The temperature falls. . . night.
2 I study. . . the medical college.
3He went . . . the policlinic yesterday.
4 This doctor always works. . . Monday.
5 My grandfather suffers. . . rheumatism.
6 The nurse takes care. . . her patients.
7 Fresh air is good. . . your health.
8 I am interested. . . medicine.
9 This student is not very good. . . Biology.
10 He came . . . 11 oclock last night.
a) in b) on c)at d)from e)for f)to g) of
III Define the tense of the sentences:
1 The nurse will make you an injection.
2 The students will have carried out all the experiments by 12 oclock.
3The doctor will be performing the operation from 5 till 6 p. m. tomorrow.
4 By the end of this year he will have been writing a thesi

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