Искусство в нашей жизни

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Тема: Искусство в нашей жизни
Цели и задачи: воспитывать уверенность в приоритете общечеловеческих ценностей, формировать критическое мышление, воспитывать эстетические вкусы.
Оборудования: работы учащихся, портреты художников, картины.
Ход урока
Teacher. Read the quotations and comment on them
" A picture is a poem without words"
" All art is but but imitation of nature"
Teacher. I am sure the proverb "Art is long and life is short" is known to everybody. Express your opinion on the statement.
Teacher. You may see different works of fine arts at museums and picture galleries. What does painting mean to you? What genres of painting do you know?
( Landscape, seascape, still life, flower piece, portrait, battle piece)
What kind of artist do you know? ( a humorist, a colourist, a water colour master, a portraitist, a landscape painter,a marine painter, a satirist).
T. Lets listen a report about the greatest landscape painter John Constable
P. John Constable, one of the greatest landscape painters, was born in Sufford, on June 11, 1776. He was the son of a wealthy miller. He began to take interest in landscape painting while he was at grammar school. His father did not favour art as a profession. As a boy Constable worked almost secretly, painting in the cottage of an amateur painter. His keen artistic interest was such that his father allowed him to go to London in 1795, where he began to study painting. In 1799 Constable entered the Royal Academy School in London. He was the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature, that is, working in the open air. Constables art developed slowly. He tried to earn

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