Ирландские традиции. День св. Патрика

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auns because they run and hide (прячутся) when humans are around.
3. The Irish say that if you can catch (поймать) a leprechaun, you can make him tell you where his gold is buried. Then you will be richer than all the kings on the earth (на земле). (Поднимает указательный палец вверх): But watch out for tricks! (Пауза)
4. Jack was a boy who wanted to be rich. He was sure (уверен) he could catch a leprechaun and find out where his gold was. Jack waited and watched, and watched and waited ever so quietly (спокойно) in the woods. Day after day, he watched and waited.
5. At last, one day he saw a tiny man with long white hair and a long white beard.
Звучит «Щелкунчик» П. И. Чайковского (Щелкунчик и Мышиный король)
Лепрекон прогуливается по лесу, подходит к одному из деревьев, садится на землю и перебирает своё золото, любуясь им. Джек на цыпочках подкрадывается к нему.
He swooped his hand over the leprechaun and zap! The leprechaun was caught! (пойман)
6. Let me go, human!(человек) закричал леприкон пронзительно-тонким голоском.
Джек: ( отрицательно качает головой и крепко держит лепрекона обеими руками:)
First, tell me where your gold is buried.
7. Лепрекон Yes, yes. I will tell you. It is buried under a tree. Just walk where I tell you and I will show you.
8. Автор: So Jack walked into the woods with the leprechaun. They came to a place where the trees were very close together. The leprechaun pointed (подвёл) to a tree and said,
Лепрекон Here. My gold is buried under this tree.
9. Автор Now Jack knew that this was true, because leprechauns never tell lies. But it was a very plain tree. It looked the same as all the other trees around it.
10. Джек I will have go home to get a shovel

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