Интеллектуальный марафон

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anize a competition called Intellectual Marathon. Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest. Its time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the 1st team?
P1: Im the captain of the team. The name of our team is Erudites. Our motto is Enjoy English!
Quiz-master: Who is the captain of the 2nd team?
P2: Im the captain of the team. The name of our team is Optimists. Our motto is Learn English!.
(Состав команд, их названия и девиз определяются заранее).
Quiz-master: Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. As there is no computer in the classroom, I have invited a competent jury to count the points. The members of our jury are …
Now Im going to teach you how to play this game. The game has 8 contests, they are:
The ABC game.
A magic 5.
Parts and wholes.
Proverbs and sayings.
Hidden words.
A tongue-twister.
The right choice.
Inventions and discoveries.
Well, I 楷桳礠畯猠捵散獳敂愠瑣癩ⱥ栠湯獥湡敨灬畦删浥浥敢瑳灥潴猠捵散獳ഺ牏敤刍獥牥敶മ湉畤瑳祲മ汃慥汮湩獥䨍獵楴散മ
Основной этап.
Quiz-master: And now we come to the 1st contest of the game called The ABC game. Kids, youll get some letters from the English alphabet. You must put the letters in the right order, so as to get the name of the English-speaking country. You have 1 minute at your disposal. Each team can get 5 points.
(Карточки с буквами: 1. Е, N, G, L, A, N, D. 2. A, M, E, R, I, C, A).


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