Intellectual game: Who is the best

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аударады. Мәтінді мұғалім таңдайды. Мәтін жазылған парақ конверттің ішінде. )
The members of juries, please your marks to the leaders :( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,)
2nd game: Ойын "Who reads more?" деп аталады. Жазушылардың аты-жөні жазылған парақты конвертті алып оқып сол жазушының шығармасын атайды.
There are cards with the names of writers and poets. You must call their novele, poems, works. . . .
Mark Twain
Jack London
Robert Burns
Jonathan Swift
Zhambil Zhabaev
Jerome K. Jerome
Lewis Karol
The members of juries, please your marks to the pupils answers :( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. )
All right! Now one concert programmer for you.
3rd game: Now well begin our third game. It is called: "The Sightseeing"
Жүргізуші конверттің ішінен қала,ауыл немесе бір жазушының өмір баяны сүреттелген мәтінді оқыйды. Ойынға қатысушылар мәтінді тыңдап, әңгіме етілген жердің немесе есткерткіштердің атын атайды.

-This building are known to be designed by Sir Charles Berry. They are among the most beautiful buildings in Europe. This is the please where the British government sits
(The house of Parliament)
The building was built by William the Conqueror, in the last quarter of the 11th century. It was once even a royal zoo there. It is a museum.
(The Tower of London)
It is said that it is a smaller version of the famous Grand Colorado Canyon in the US but really it has a charm of its own. It is the left tributary of the Ili river. Its banks are covered with different plants.
(Canyon of Charyn River)
It is on the Tole Bi Street, between Panfilov Street and Abylai Khan Avenue. Its style is somewhat different than that of the red Square. It was planned in 1957

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