Игра как важная часть преподавания английского языка

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Board Race
Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary, whether it be words from the lesson youve just taught or words from a lesson you taught last week. It can also be used at the start of the class to get students active. It is a great way of testing what your students already know about the subject youre about to teach.
Why use it?Revising vocabulary; grammar
Who its best for:Appropriate for all levels and ages
This is best played with 6 students or more - the more, the better. Ive used it in classes ranging from 7-25 years of age and its worked well in all age groups.
Heres a step by step explanation:
Разделить класс на две команды и дать каждой команде цветной маркер.
Если у вас есть очень большой класс, может быть, лучше разделить обучающихся на группы по 3 или 4.
Проведите линию посередине доски и напишите тему в верхней части.
Студенты должны затем написать столько слов, сколько вам требуется связана с темой в виде эстафеты.
Каждая команда выигрывает одно очко за каждый правильный слова. Любые слова, которые с ошибками, не учитываются.
2. Call My Bluff / Two Truths and A Lie
Call My Bluff is a fun game which is perfect at the start of term as a getting to know you kind of game. It is also a brilliant ice breaker between students if you teach classes who do not know one another -- and especially essential if you are teaching a HYPERLINK "http://www. gooverseas. com/blog/tips-for-teaching-english-abroad-in-small-groups" small class size .
The game is excellent for practicing speaking skills, though make sure you save a time for after the game to comment on any mistakes students may have made during the game. (I generally like to reserve this for after the game,

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