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U. S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. (2013, June 13). Shaping the way we teach English: From observation to action: Primary: Young learners: Unit 5 Video file. Retrieved from http://www. youtube. com/watch?vZlSLJjDMu8s

U. S. Department of State, Office of English Language Programs Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. (2009, January 15). Shaping the way we teach English: Approaches to language teaching: Foundation: Module 2: Building language awareness Video file. retrieved from http://www. youtube. com/watch?vc-LkN-PmzA

Eslprintables. (2014) Role play "In a shop" website Retrieved
from: http://eslprintables. com/ Speakingworksheets/Roleplays


Teacher does/says . . .
Students do/say . . .
Approximate Time Needed
Has written some important vocabulary words on the board, e. g. , the white shop, the green shop, the school shop? The sweet shop welcome etc.
Says: Today we are going to perform a role-play. I will put you in groups and you will choose one of the roles you would like to act out. Think for a minute about which shop you would like to go to and what you would like to buy there.
Calls on one or two students to say which shop they would like to go to and why
Encourages students to use English in replies
Writes more vocabulary words as students speak
Respond with something about the stories they read
10 min.
Places students in groups of 4; lower level students are placed with higher level students who can help them
Assemble in groups at a table made of desks pushed together
5 min.
Asks students to choose a recorder to write down what t

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