Humor in English

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he following membership. . . . . (they are our pupils),. . . . . . . (they are our students and teachers)
Представление команд
P2: So, let me introduce you to the girls team. You are welcome, girls. (The girls are coming to the stage). They are called "Funny Flowers".
Tanya is their captain.
P1: Now, I want to invite the boys team. You are welcome, boys. (the boys are coming to the stage). They are called "Cowboys".
Anatoly is their captain.
So, the teams are on the stage.
They are in their costumes.
P2: Who are you, girls?
Girls all together:
The clouds and rain
One November day.
But we are not plane.
We are going to play.
There is no sun
There are no showers
But we are all happy
Because we are flowers!
P1: Who are you, boys?
Boys all together:
Prairie land is far away
Our horses went away
But there are (ten) bright cowboys,
We are happy boring boys.
Конкурс капитанов
P2: Now the captains will welcome you!
The girls captain begins:
How do you do, dear guests, pupils, teachers!
Our party is your party
Welcome to our party
We all here.
You are my friends,
We are your friends,
We are all friends now!
P1: Now, the boys captain, you are welcome!
The boys captain:
Good afternoon, dear friends
We are very glad to see you in our school hall.
Come my friend, come to play,
For the sun shines brightly today
Bring the balls
Come with happy faces all!
P2: Thank you very much
So, are you ready for the competition?
Now, well begin.
Конкурс " Угадай пословицу"
P1: Guess some riddles.
1. I am black and red, and blue,

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