Holiday problems

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Развитие навыков чтения (диалог).

Развитие умений просмотрового чтения.
У: Now open your books p. 92 ex. 5, there is a dialogue. Look at the task of ex. and guess: What this dialogue is about.
Д: I think this dialogue is about good and bad holiday experiences.

У: Now you should read the dialogue in your group. Then the first group should write the good experiences and the second group should write the bad experiences. You will have 2 minutes.
В группах дети читают диалог и ищут нужную им информацию (3 минуты на выполнение задания).
У: What good and what bad experiences did Isabelle have while she was travelling?
Ответ Д:
Good experiences: Greece was beautiful, Italians were friendly, Italian cuisine was great.
Bad experiences:
Got sunstroke in Greece, Got seasick on the ferry to Italy, Got purse stolen in Barcelona while waiting for a bus.

У: Good job!
What else have you known from this dialogue? What do you think Andrew will go on holiday next year? Why?

Развитие навыков письма (учимся писать открытку другу)

In the UK people used to write a post card being on holiday somewhere. You should write your own postcard about holiday where everything goes wrong. Dont forget the topic of our lesson. What is it? You are right - Holiday problems.
Imagine you are in the city, which is represented on the postcard. You should give a real information what you have already done. You should use Present Perfect. Вспомним правила образования Present Perfect.
Also you can use key words and our plan.
You have got 4 minutes.
Раздать открытки. На доске ключевые слова и план написания открытки.

Dear name
Greetings from . . .
It (is) was a nightma

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