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Школа-гимназия 113
по теме «Hobbies»
Класс: 4В
Провела: Нуржауова Ж. М.
Алматы, 2017г.
Lesson 8
Date 23. 10
Educational: to revise and consolidate the vocabulary on the theme Hobbies, to train and practise Past Simple Tense.
Developing: to develop pupils listening, reading, speaking skills, to develop monologue and dialogue skills.
Pedagogical: To realize the moral education in respect for people, country, customs, traditions, culture of the learning landuage.
The type of the lesson: open lesson
The form of the organization of the lesson: class work, pair work, individual work.
The didactical supply of the lesson: teachers Guide, students book, video, cards, pictures.
The duration of the lesson
I. The organizational moment
Good morning boys and girls!
How are you today?
I am glad to see you today!
What day is it today?
Whats the weather like today?
II. Actualization:
Teacher: The topic of our todays lesson is Hobbies. At this lesson we are going to revise and consolidate the vocabulary and grammar.
III. Phonetic drill.
речевая разминка- чтение английской пословицы на доске)
«Hobbies of any kind are boring except to people who have the same hobby»
(Ученики читают пословицу за учителем)
IV. The forming of new knowledge and methods of actions
1. Teacher:
- What is a hobby?
- What hobbies do you know?
- Is it interesting to have a hobby?
- Now look at the board. You can see some pictures. And here are some cards. I want you to stick the names of hobbies to the right pictures. (Pupils go to the board one by one and do the task).
Учитель раздает карточки со словами , и ученики подчеркивают лишние сло

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