Have/has и глагол-связка to be

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I. Выбери правильную форму has или have.
I a black cat.
My cat two kittens.
You a small dog.
It white kittens.
They two rabbits.
Ann a red fox.
We a dog and cat.
The foxes long tales.
Her cats cunning kittens.
She a clever pet.
Peter a dog.
We a good film.
My friend a sister.
I an English book.
He five or six lessons every day.
My friends a cat and a dog.
She a ball.
We a large family.
You some pencils, but I no pencil. Give me a pencil, please.
Oleg a colour TV set.
II. Спроси у своих друзей, родственников, что у них есть.
- Have you a hourse? - Yes, I have. (No, I have not. )
Has your dog puppy? - Yes, it has. (No, it has not. )

Ann, have you a cat?
Peter, has Ann a dog?
Has she a red pen?
Have they pets?
Have we ten rabbit?
Have you a white rabbit?
Have they friends?
Has your cat kitten?
Has Tom two dogs?
Has Peter a pet?

1. The boy at the stadium.
2. Ann from Volgograd.
3. I from Volgograd too.
4. They ten.
5. His dogs two years old.
6. You kind and clever.
7. She a pupil. We pupils too.
8. You my friend.
9. The boys in the garden.
10. Denis and I in school.
11. The girls ten.
12. Nick in the shop.
13. You clever.
14. Peter in the yard.
15. They clever.
16. She sad.
17. Ann and Peter in the cinema.
18. The dogs in the house.
19. The teacher in the hall.
20. I strong.

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