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ssociated with death and supernatural.
Many Halloween stories and games are hundreds of years old. Then people believed in devils, witches and ghosts. Now most people don,t believe in devils.
American children celebrate Beggar,s Night as Irish children did in the 17th century. They dress up in Halloween costumes and go out into the streets to beg.
а nose and а mouth.
They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. They set jack-o-lanterns in the windows.
Now lets listen to a popular Haloween song and your task is to listen and to say as many words from the song related to Halloween as you can (2 учащихся исполняют песню «This is Halloween» в сопровождении мультфильма о празднике, затем остальные называют слова из песни, связанные с праздником)

Now its time to listen about different Haloween superstitions in England. (учащиеся рассказывают о предрассудках, связанных с праздником, сопросождая рассказ иллюстрациямм)
Some people in Britain are certain that if they put new shoes on the table, they will have bad luck.
The English wont kill spiders , especially the small red spiders called money spiders , as this is very unlucky.
Other animals are symbols of luck. In Endland black cats bring good luck, but in other countries they bring bad luck.
White horses are also lucky, but in some places you can cross your fingers until you see a dog or you will have bad luck.
The most unlucky thing you can do is to break the mirror. This bring seven years of bad luck.
If you see a pin and pick it up, all the day y If you see a pin and pick it up, all the day you will have good luck. See a pin and let it lie, youll have bad luck until you die.
The number 13 is the most unlucky number, and a combination of

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