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МОУ – средняя общеобразовательная школа с. Карпёнка
Краснокутского района Саратовской области

«Russian and American magazines»
ученица 10 класса Каткова Екатерина
учитель английского языка Еськова Елена Леонидовна
Красный Кут
2018 год
Good afternoon, dear friends. My name is Kate. I present you the project «Russian and American magazines».
I decided to take part in this project because I like to read magazines. I study English and I was interested in magazines that are popular in America. I would like to read them and make my own magazine in English. I am a teenager thats why I wanted to create a magazine for the girls of my age. I had to do a lot of work to find information about magazines. I read books, magazines, newspapers, looked for the information in the Internet and took pictures.
Hypothesis: Russian and American magazines for teenagers are very similar.
Purpose: to compare Russian and American magazines and to make my own magazine.
1. to tell about Russian and American magazines for teenagers;
2. to give information about themes which are interested for teenagers;
3. to make my own magazine.
What is a magazine?
What magazines are popular in Russia and America?
What themes are interesting for teenagers?
How is the magazine made?
2. 1. What is a magazine?
Magazine is one of the major mass media. Magazine is a collection of articles and stories. Usually magazines also contain illustrations.
Magazines provide information on a wide range of topics such as business, culture, hobbies, medicine, religion, science, and sports. Some magazines entertain their readers with fiction, poetry, photography

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