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em about a cat.
Фонетическая зарядка.

O. K. Well done.
Now let us repeat the words, which we need in order to speak about animals.
(слайд 3)
Teeth big
Tail little
Neck strong
Eyes sad
Ears funny
Nose long
Face black

2. Open your copybooks and write as many pares as you can.

3. We will continue our lesson. Now its high time to do some riddles.
1. It lives in the house. It likes meat, fish, mice and milk.
2. Its big and grey. It lives in the forest. It can run, jump and swim very well. It eats meat.
3. Its red. It lives in the forest. It has a long bushy tail. It can run and jump. It likes meat, fish and mice.
4. It is small. It lives in the field. Its white and grey. It is afraid of foxes and wolves. It can run fast.
5. It is fat. It lives on the farm. It is pink. It can sleep. It eats bread, cabbage, carrots,
apples, potatoes and corn.
6. Its one of the strongest animals. Its light brown. It has beautiful hair. It eats small animals. It can run and jump.
It is small. Its grey. It lives in the house or in the field. It likes cheese. It is afraid
8. It is a bird. It is bright. It likes corn. It can speak.
1. a cat
2. a wolf
3. a fox
4. a rabbit
5. a pig
6. a lion
7. a mouse
8. a parrot

4. Расставь правильно буквы, чтобы получились названия животных. Put the letters in order to make the names of the animals. (Карточка 2)
1. ogd
2. xof
3. tac
4. eglae
5. mesuso
6. gip

5. You did a great work! Now let us have a little break.
Teacher: I will say some order. And you should show this action.

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