Getting to know each other

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Lesson plan


The theme of the lesson:
Getting to know each other
The aims and objectives of the lesson:

a) educational

b) developing

c) cultural
to enrich pupils vocabulary, to enlarge their interest in learning foreign languages and to write the test work, remember new words and give them more informations about test.

to develop pupils habits in speaking, reading and translating, to develop communicative skills and abilities, to write the test

to bring up pupils interests, respect and love to foreign and native languages, to educate them to respect their classmates
The type of the lesson:
New lesson
The methods of the lesson:
vocabulary method, method of explanation, comparing, completing, question-response, bring storming
Visual aids of the lesson:
pictures, notebook, grammar table
Connected of the lesson
The procedure of the lesson:
Teachers activity
Students activity
І. Organization moment
- greeting; - to check the attendance of pupils;
-to pay pupils attention to the lesson;
-to check the preparation of the lesson and to introduce the test
- greeting;
-acting on duty;
-to prepare for the lesson;
- doing the test work
ІІ. Checking up the home task
(teacher checks the homework on the pupils copybooks and some pupils will write it on the blackboard)
Pupils will write it on the blackboard
III. Explaining new material

a) work on new words
Сөздік жумыс
жад, ec - memory елшілік - embassy
Америка Құрама Штаттары - The United States of America Италия - Italy Канада - Canada
Франция - France Гастинт - Hastings
Exercise 4 Read the text a

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