Functions of the state

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o them;
4) media management.
Sometimes some traditional functions become redundant and the state refuses to fulfill them. In particular, this happened with the management of the media, in Russia they were privatized, and now the state nominally controls only two channels on television: the first - as a shareholder - and the second (the Russia channel).
The "new" features include the following.
1) State entrepreneurship. The state is directly involved in production in the defense sector and in other areas, where it must exercise control over production on behalf of society. This function was the main one in the socialist countries, where the state was both the owner and the entrepreneur.
2) Influence on economic processes to maintain stable development of the national economy. The state performs this function both by economic and administrative measures.
3) Social services. Under the influence of the struggle of the workers, the state is engaged in social security, that is, it pays various pensions, benefits to large families, unemployment benefits, housing benefits to the poor, etc.
External functions of the state
1) The use of the armed forces for solving foreign policy tasks of the state.
2) Realization of the geopolitical and global interests of the country through diplomatic activity. Geopolitical interests are associated with neighboring states, global ones concern the situation around the world (non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, environmental problems).
3) Promotion of international economic activity, protection and support of the countrys economic interests abroad.
4) Protection of the economic space from adverse external influences on the economy (customs; system of measures regul

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