The theme of the lesson
Free time
The aims of the lesson:
Conversation with them for theme "Free time". Introduction of the new material. To introduce with a new words.
To improve pupils skills of use in speech of lexicon theme of look at me, to promote formation of knowledge about various trades, to develop speech skills;
To develop imagination, logic thinking, speech, attention, memory, culture of thinking and behavior;
Up - bringing:
To create favorable conditions for comprehension both realization of he personal and social importance of process of mastering by foreign language, for education of the multilingual polycultural person.
The type of the lesson:
The form of the lesson:
Visual aids:
New words, video material.
Inter - subject:
Kazakh and Russian languages
The equipment of the lesson:
Visual aids
Distributing material: pictures of professions
The plan of the lesson:
Organization moment
Introduction of new material
a. Lexical material. Make up sentences with new words
b. Reading
c. Writing
d. Speaking
To learn by heart the words of the lesson;
Complete lesson
The procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment
oo Good morning, children! Today I will take you an English lesson.
oo I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?
oo What was your home task?
oo You had to learn the words home
oo Who is ready?
New lesson
a) Boys and girls
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