Food. Cooking

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Тема уроку: Food. Cooking 7 клас
Мета уроку:1) практична:вживання структур злічуваних та незлічуваних іменників; 2) розвиваюча:розвивати лексичні навички та навички вживання граматичних структур; 3) освітня: познайомити учнів з культурою вживання їжі в інших країнах; 4) виховна: виховувати повагу до традицій інших народів
Хід уроку
I Організаційний момент
Good morning, pupils! Im glad to see you! Take your sits !
Оголошення теми уроку
-The topic of our lesson today "Food. Cooking". We will talk about the traditions of other countries, learn about their national food and try to use new grammar structures
1. 3 Мовна зарядка
Betty Botta bought some butter,
"But, she said, this butters bitter,
But a bit of better butter will make my batter better".
So, she bought a bit of butter better than the bitter butter,
And it made her batter better.
II Основна частина
2. 1 Читання та переклад діалогу (PB p. 73 ex. 1)
-Lets read and translate the dialogue
Laura: The shopping centre is very crowded today
Ross: Its a popular place/ There are always a lot of people here
Holly:How can we draw a plan? Its very complicated . Any ideas?
Jack: Theres a map on the wall over there. Cant we copy that?
Laura:Im going to take lots of photos of the shops.
Jack: Some of the window displays are fantastic. Look at that sports shop!
Holly: The jewelers is beautiful. There are so many pretty, sparkly things!
Laura: And they cost so much money! Dont look! You cant afford them!
Ross: We mustnt forget the café on the top floor.
Laura:How do we get up there? Is there a lift?
Holly: We can walk up the stairs or take the escalator.
Ross:I want to interview

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