Famous Inventors and Their Inventions

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Discovered gravity and also invented the reflecting telescope 1668 England
John Napier Logarithms, Napier Bones, and decimal point 1590s Scotland
Jacques Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan Aqualungs 1943 France (Emile was a French Canadian)
Thomas Newcomen Atmospheric steam engine 1710 England
Karl Friedrich von Drais Bicycle, typewriter with keyboard, and wood saving cooker 1820s Germany
Alexander Graham Bell Telephone 1875 Scotland
Willis Carrier Air conditioner 1914 America
Jean Nollet (Also known as Abbe Nollet) Electroscope 1748 France
Ransome Eli Olds Assembly line 1901 America
Earle Dickson Band Aid 1920 America
James Naismith Basketball 1891 Canada
Levi Strauss Blue jeans 1873 Germany/USA
Louis Braille Braille for the blind 1829 France
Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Bunsen burner 1855 Germany
Alfred Mosher Butts Scrabble 1938 America
Sir Humphrey Davy Miners safety lamp or the Davy lamp 1815 England
Charles Richter Richter magnitude scale for measuring earthquake 1935 America
Heinrich Göbel Incandescent light bulb 1890s Germany/America
Jesse Langsdorf Neck tie 1920 America
Thomas Edison Phonograph and electric light bulb 1877 and 1879 (respectively) America
Benjamin Franklin Lighting rod, bifocals, Franklin stove, glass armonica, swim fins, urinary catheter, and also the carriage odometer 1750s America
Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel Diesel engine 1890s Germany
Otto von Guericke Air pump or vacuum pump 1650 Germany
Galileo Galilei Geometric compass, better 30X magnification telescope, invented that the sun was the center of the solar system and not the earth 1590s onwards Italy
Nikola Tesla AC motor and transformer, vacuum tube amplifier, Tesla coil, X-Ray technology 1880s Austria/Am

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