/>Yes, he is.
(G) Feedback Activity 9 Learners hightlight positive and negative points of the lesson and describe things they found interesting
Positive sides
Negative sides
It was interesting
https://www. youtube. com/watch?veQaS-p663s
Flashcards with new words
http://lizasenglish. ru/anglijskij-dlya-detej/tekst-moya-semya. html
1 min
EvaluationFinal Self-Assessment Tick "Yes" or "No"
Can you. . .
write 3-4 words about family
tell about family
understand the main idea of the text
Differentiation - how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
Assessment - how are you planning to check learners learning?
Health and safety check
More support can be given in the while reading activity. In this tasks learners name and define new words, understand the general information, identify the details in a text with little support,
More able learners can be encouraged with reading the text and answer the questions and providing a point of view and discuss then give their opinions
Monitor individual / group work, listen to discussions, check students understanding of classroom instructions
Through observing how pupils do the tasks
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