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r/> Упражнение по учебнику
-Open your book, page 41, exercise number 3.
-Look at the picture.
-Who is he? (clown)
- Who is she? (Alice)
- Who is he? (Bear)
Сейчас вы примите на себя роли артистов и от их имени расскажете о их семье.
- You will be clown
-You will be Alice
-You will be Bear
-Ok, tell me about the clowns family. Who he have? (I have got mother)
Расскажи о семье клоуна, кто у него есть
-Tell me about the Alices family. Who she have? (I have got mother and father)
Tell me about the bears family. Who he have? (I have got grandmother and grandfather)
Рассказ детьми о своей семье
-Ok, Mickey mouse is very interesting to know about your family
-Come to me, please. Look at the cards. Tell Mickey mouse about your family. Show us the picture and say. Have you got mother?
(I have got mother) - работа по картинкам
-Very nice, children
- Lets sing a song ( "I love my family")

Закрепление букв
-Look at the pictures. Ваша задача под каждой карточкой повесть ту букву с которой начинается слово
Come to the Board. Name the word. The word begins with a letter. . .
Read the word.
- Insert the missing letters. (Вставьте пропущенные буквы)
Write letters. Come to the board.

Lets sing a song (ABC. . . )

- Lets play Fishing
Удочки, на которые цепляем магнитики, а поймать рыбакам нужно карточки со словами, на которых прикреплена железная скрепка.
mother brother grandmother grandfather sister father cat dog
- Catch the word and name it. Have you got a cat?. . . .

Игра "Кубик"

- Today we will meet you with a new letter
Сегодня познакомимся с вами с новой буквой -

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