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the screen please. Here you can see some English words on our topic. At first listen to me carefully. I will read these words and you will repeat them after me. Ok? (Ok)
Lets start! The first word is . . .
III. Проверка домашнего задания.
Now lets check your homework!
Tell me please what was your hometask for today?
Are you ready? (Yes, we are).
Lets listen to this poem once again all together. Ok?
(слушаем стихотворение Ex. 18, p. 128)
Now lets repeat this poem, at first listen to me and then repeat after me.
Ok! Who wants to be the first? ( . . . . . . )
Other pupils listen to . . . carefully and then youll correct her or his mistakes.
IV. Тренировка орфографических и лексических навыков.
I think you like to play different games. Lets play with you now. The game is called "Find the words". You will work in two groups. You will have the cards with the parts of words. The task for you is to make up the words on the topic "Family". Is it clear? (Yes, it is).
Are you ready? (Yes, we are).
Lets check!
(эталон на доске)
V. Актуализация лексики по теме. Составление монологического высказывания.
The next task for you is to answer my questions about your family.
Be active and speak loudly please.
6. Have you got a sister?
7. Is your sister younger than you?
8. Have you got a brother?
9. How many brothers have you got?
10. Is your mother older than your father?
11. How old is your sister?
12. What is your sisters name?
Now lets listen to some stories about your family.
Who wants to tell us about your family?
VI. Физкультминутка для глаз. (Дети следят за предметами)
VII. Актуализация настоящего совершенного и

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