Enjoying your home

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, a apynrt, a large intckhe and a lahl in my house.
I have got a room of my own. It is big and nice. There are a bed in the in the middle of the room and TV next to the window. There is a table in the right corner. There is a armchair next to the TV. There are a shelf above my bed. There is a lot of books on the shelf. And there is a carpet on the floor.
I like my house and my room very much.

Hello! Im Neznaika. I have got a large and beautiful house. There are three bedrooms, a nice living room, a pantry, a large kitchen and a hall in my house.
I have got a room of my own. It is big and nice. There is a bed in the left corner and TV in the right corner. There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a armchair next to the table. There is a shelf above my bed. There are a lot of books on the shelf. And there is a carpet on the floor.
I like my house and my room very much.

Лист оценки:
1. Сегодня на уроке:
мне понравилось

было трудно, но интересно

было очень сложно

На следующем уроке мне бы хотелось

2. Посмотри оценку, которую заработала твоя команда и оцени, что лично ты сделал, чтобы команда достигла высокого результата

я ничего не делал я давал много
все делали другиеправильных ответов

3. Сравни свою оценку с оценкой учителя:

надо стараться молодец,
лучшеработал отлично

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