English Tea Party

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рецепты приготовления английского чая и отвечают на вопросы домашнего задания)

8а 1. What is the background of 5 oclock tea tradition?
2. Who invented tea in bags?

8v 1. What is a "teacosy"? Why do Englishmen use it?
2. Which tea drinking traditions do you know?

B2 Now the task is to set the table for tea. (каждая команда готовит стол к чаепитию; жюри оценивает задание)

Well done and now is a musical surprise from Scotland for you, dear guests (ученики исполняют шотландский танец) (слайд-13)

B1 Now the questions to the teams
1. What sorts of English tea do you know?( English Breakfast, Greenfield, Hilltop, Richard, Hyleys, Ahmad Tea, Bernley, Riston, Lipton. . .
( какая команда назовет больше сортов) - (слайд -14)
The questions to the team of 8 А grade:
1. It is green and long (cucumber)
2. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty (banana)
3. It is white outside and yellow inside (egg)
4. In is white and sweet. We put it into tea. (sugar)
5. What kind of tables do people eat? (vegetable)
6. We usually have it for dinner (soup)
7. It is white. We drink it (milk)
8. They dont eat me alone, but cant eat without me. What am I? (salt)
9. Its name is its color (orange)
10. Which character from the fairy-tale likes to go to guests in the morning?( Winnie-the Pooh)

B2 The questions to the team of 8 V grade

1. You smile when you name it. Mice like it very much (cheese)
2. It is called "brown" in England and "black "in Russia (bread)
3. It is big and round, green outside and red inside (watermelon)
4. It is brown outside and white inside. Its a vegetable (potato)

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