Education in English-Speaking countries and in Russia

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After 5 years of secondary education pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education examination. Most pupils take examinations in 4 subjects.
2 Compulsory education ends at 16. Some pupils may stay at secondary school for two years. Other pupils leave secondary school and go to colleges or technical secondary schools.
Children can receive high education if they graduate from institutes, universities and academies. Higher education begins at 18 and usually lasts for 5 or 6 years.
There are private schools in Russia. State education is free in our country.
Teacher: Thank you. You have covered the topic well.


摧嶶ᄀ I think you are tired a little. Lets have a short break and do exercises.
Will you stand up, please?

Hands up! Clap, clap!
Hands on the hips! Step, step!
Bend your left,
Bend your right,
Turn yourself around!
Hands up! Hands down!
Hands like this and sit down!
Complete each sentence with one of the words below. Use each word once only.
Trouble education attend allowed ages schools
Have punish private punishment behaves
In Russia education is compulsory between … of 6-7 and 15years. There are different types of secondary…. in our country. Most of them are state schools where …. is free.
But some parents want their children to attend …schools which are not free.
Children have to…school from Monday till Friday. In some schools they … to wear uniform. In others they are … to wear what they want.
The discipline is not very strict. But if a pupil …badly the teacher can …the child. Of course, the …is not severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of …and al

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