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Form: 8"v"
Date: 15. 12. 15
English teacher:
The theme of the lesson
The aims of the lesson
-to talk about education
-to introduce pupils with the new words and how to use the words
-to develop the abilities to speak English, creative abilities of pupils
-to teach the pupils to be able to discuss, to find expressions in any situation
The equipments of the lesson
pictures, posters, computers interactive board,cards,presentation,smiles
The type of the lesson
new lesson,mixed lesson,presentation
Methods of teaching
training, explanation, demonstration, interaction,group work,pair work, question-answer,the game
Expected results
At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
use new words in speech
to give their own opinion
Procedure of the lesson
Stages of the lesson
Teacherss activity
Pupilss activity
I. Organization moment of the lesson

1. Greeting
-Good morning, my dear pupils. Im glad to see you!
-Sit down,please.
-How are you?
2. Talking to duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?

-Good morning teacher!

-We are fine, thanks.

- I am on duty today.
-All are present.
II. Phonetic drill
Сыныпта ынтымақтастық атмосферасын қалыптастыру
I go there every day,
And I can read and write and play,
And at the lessons not to talk ,
To get good marks and do my work
Оқушылар психологиялық дайындалады.

III. Check up the homework
Ill check your homework.
What was the homework for today?
Exercise 1.
1. "Oртадағы қаламсап" әдісі бойынша үй тапсырмасын тексеру. Bring yours pens!
-Whose pen is this?

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