) The Tower isd) the monument to Admiral Nelson is in
-a museum - Westminster Abbey
- a Zoo - Trafalgar Square
-a square - in the Tower of London
5 say after me
Trafalgar square
Monument to Admiral Nelson
St. James Park
St. Regents Park
The Tower of London
The Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
Westminster Abbey
Buckingham Palace
6 Concentration (презентация слайд 14)
В течение 3мин запомните номера пар картинок-фото и название. Записываем номера на доске, проверяем.
7 Well, we have visited London. Lets summarize the information about it. What sights of London you like most of all and what do you know about them?
I like . . . .
It is one of . . . .
We can see . . . . . . . there
It is famous for . . . . . . .
8 Your home task: to make advert for tourists to London using ex. 32 on page 71 as example (учебник Биболетова 6 класс)
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