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live up to 10 years fewer than nonsmokers. Besides all these facts people who smoke have yellow teeth, bad breath, dry skin and premature wrinkles. So what is it that makes people light up a cigarette in spite of all warnings? Some of them say that they enjoy smoking because they like the taste or smell of cigarettes or because it helps them steady their nerves and think. Others say that it helps them make friends and feel relaxed in a company of smoking people. For many children and teenagers smoking is the first step out of childhood and the way to show off. But the game is not worth the candle!
As soon as people began to realize the health hazards of smoking there have been many attempts to ban it. But despite many restrictions, bans and anti-smoking advertising a considerable proportion of the population remains heavy smokers. Some people try to give up smoking but not all of them are strong enough not to return to this bad habit. Without their cigarettes, smokers feel irritated, nervous and depressed. The governments of many countries are launching anti-smoking campaigns in mass media. Smokers do harm to their health and to the health of those people who surround them. Passive, or secondhand smoking, is dangerous to people who have to inhale smoke. Thats why there are good reasons to ban smoking in public places, including offices, restaurants, bars and night clubs.
Some people are sure that alcohol helps them relax, feel more confident, communicate with people and enjoy life. As a result they have a hangover and feel pangs of conscience the next day. A drunk person is characterized by a tipsy gait, slurred speech and silly or indecent behaviour. He is not responsible for his actions and everything may happen to him. For example, he may loose his purse or

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