Домашний зоопарк

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;Внешний-внутренний круг"
I think you are tired. Lets move but with use. Stand up and come to the board. You can take a card from the desk. Make 2 circles. Everyone has the crd with our word. Ill tell you 2 words in English,pupils who have these words should exchange places. One person will be from inside circle,another will be from outside circle. Are you ready? Lets start. Well done!Assess yourselves.

4. "Наш домашний зоопарк"
Hughs family has an excellent zoo. What animals are there?(называют). How does Hugh look after them? (называют). Lets imagine that we have got a home zoo,too. I offer you to write ,what animals do you want to have and how do you look after them. Your stories are very interesting. Well done. Assess yourseves.
5. Рефлексия
During all the lesson you have assessed yourselves. Please,count the total sum and write the corresponding mark.
At the beginning of the lesson you have chosen your own aims. Write on your papers your results.
В течение урока вы себя оценивали, сейчас посчитайте свои баллы и поставьте соответствующую оценку. В начале урока каждый из вас отметил свою цель, что хотели бы вы повторить по этой теме. Напишите все ли повторили,все ли вспомнили. Напишите ,что осталось для вас непонятным.
6. Заключительный этап.
So open your diaries and write down your homework . Your homework is to learn our words by heart. Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.

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