Сказка по теме "Домашние птицы"
с переводом на узбекский язык
oo Chicken-Licken
One day Chicken-Licken was walking under the nut tree. Bang -- the nut fell on his head. "Oh. No! The sky is falling!" -- screamed Chicken-Licken. He ran and ran and met a Hen-Len. He told her that the sky was falling and they ran together. They ran and ran and met the Cock-Lock. They told him that the sky was falling and they ran together. They ran and ran and met a Duck-Luck. They screamed: "The sky is falling! Run!" The Duck-Luck said to them: "No, sky is not falling! Take a look!" They looked up the sky. The sky wasnt falling. She showed them the nuts and explained that was the nut but not the sky. "Oh, no!" said the Chiken-Licken.
oo Chip-chip nomli jojacha
Bir kuni Chip-chip nomli jojacha yongoq daraxti ostida yurgan edi. Tosatdan uning boshiga yongoq mevasi tushdi. Bundan qorqib ketgan joja " Chirq-chirq, voy, osmon qulab tushayapti", deb qichqirdi. Shunday deya yugurib ketayotiganida tovuqqa duch keldi va unga osmon tushib ketayapti deb aytdi. Ular qochib borayotib, yolda oltin tojli xorozni uchratishdi. Xorozga osmon yiqilayotganini aytishdi. Shunda xoroz ham ular bilan birgalikda qocha boshladi.
Nogahon roparalaridan ordak chiqib qoldi. Ular ordakka: "Osmon qulamoqda", - deb qichqirshdi. Ordak; Yoq, samo yiqilmaydi! Qaranglar"-dedi. Parrandalar osmonga qarashdi. Osmon qulamayotgan edi. Ordak ularga yongoqni korsatib, osmon bolagi emas, balki bir meva ekanligini tushuntirdi. Chip-chip nomli jojacha "Oh, nahotki?!" dedi ajablanib.
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