features, level of development and population
The Main Part, The United States proper, with an area of 7,800 sq km;
показывает карту Северной Америки на интерактивной доске), including a lot islands;
Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean
The Task 3 is called Welcome to Los Angeles, it will be the working with the text, pupils, open your textbooks at page 149 (работа с учебником -10 мин).
Information about Los Angeles
㜀itiesinCalifornia28bypopulation29" o "List of cities in California (by population)" most populous city in HYPERLINK "http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/California" California and the HYPERLINK "http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ListofUnitedStatescitiesbypopulation" o "List of United States cities by population" second most populous in the HYPERLINK "http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/UnitedStates" United States , after HYPERLINK "http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/NewYorkCity" New York City , with a population of 3. 8million, on a land area of 498. 3square miles (1,290. 6km2). It is the focal point of the larger HYPERLINK "http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/LosAngeles-LongBeach-Riverside,CACSA" o "Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside, CA CSA" Los Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside combined statistical area , which contains nearly 17. 8million people and center of the HYPERLINK "http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/ListofurbanizedareasinCalifornia28bypopulation29" o "List of urbanized areas in California (by population)" largest urban area in California. This makes it the 12th most populous HYPERLINK "http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Metropolitanarea" metropolitan area in the world. HYPERLINK "http:/
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