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the second one (slide 10).
Task 7
- Now complete the puzzle please. (Slide 11)
Three pictures of London sights (one for each team) are cut into small pieces. The teams have 3 min to arrange the pieces and to guess the place of interest shown in the picture. (Piccadilly Circus, the Globe Theatre, St. Pauls Cathedral)
Task 8
-And while teams are solving the puzzle, spectators should match the pieces of photos with the names of the sights. (Slide 12)
See the Keys
The keys

1-c; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b.



2) Buckingham Palace
3) Tower Bridge
For Spectators:
Trafalgar Square
Tower of London
London Bridge
1) Buckingham Palace
2) St. Pauls Cathedral
3) Trafalgar Square
1) The Houses of Parliament stand on the Thames
2) Sir Benjamin Hall was in charge of the building Big Ben
3) The English people call the Thames The Father of London
4) The Tower of London is nine hundred years old
5) The Tower of London is a museum nowadays.
6) The members of Parliament gather in the Houses of Parliament
7) The English people built the tower and the clock in 1858
8) In the Tower of London I can see many old guns etc.
9) The English kings lived in the Tower of London
10) London Bridge is two thousand years old.
11) I can find Kensington, Westminster and others in the names of the streets in modern London
12) I can see…. In London now
13) The English people call the clock Big Ben because the man in charge of the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall and workers called him Big Ben.
14) Greenwich is the name of the very old town which stands on the Thames
15) People call the monument, whic

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