Do you like winter?

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ентарии. )
6. Проверка домашнего задания (пишут мини-сочинение на подготовленных дома открытках).
T. Pupils, you made beautiful cards at home. Let us write mini-compositions about winter. Write about the weather, clothes, sport. Try not to forget the title of your composition. Let us start.
T. Are you ready? Well, and I have prepared a small present for our mini-compositions. It is a cover. Put your works inter it. It will be your class treasure. Collect your works and keep it here.
7. Физминутка.
T. Stand up, please. Hands up, hands down, hands on hips, sit down. . .
8. Просмотр видео (любые зимние виды спорта). Обсуждение темы.
Let us watch the video about winter sports (на доске закрепляются картинки с 5-7 зимними видами спорта).
T. What kinds of sport have you noticed there? You see there are a lot of kinds of winter sports. Let us find out which are the most popular in Russia.
I want to know what is your favourite winter sport. So, who likes skating? Up your hands. (Учитель считает количество рук и ставит рядом с таблицей их число, затем он спрашивает о других видах спорта. )
T. So, the most popular winter sports in Russia are. . .
Do you agree that skiing is the most popular in Russia?
And now let us speak about you and winter sports.
9. Итоги урока.
T. And now look at the board. (На доске рисунок солнышка с лучами, который помогает сказать, чему научились дети).
T. Now I know (рефлексия):
I think that our lesson was useful. Your work was excellent. Your marks are good and excellent. Your home task is . . . (запись на доске).
Our lesson is over. Have a rest. Good-bye.
В. Елизарова,
учитель английского языка
МБОУ Березовской СОШ, г. Карачев

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