День Святого Валентина

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День Святого Валентина
МОУ "Школа 86 г. Донецка"
Айрапетян Лариса Михайловна
Ход праздника
1-й ведущий. Ladies and gentlemen! Good morning!
2-й ведущий. Its lovely to meet you here, at Valentines party!
1-й ведущий. Love! Happiness! Beauty! Today we pronounce these pleasant words because today is a special day! Do you know what its called?
Ученики: Its called St. Valentines Day!
2-й ведущий. You are right. And do you know why it is called after St. Valentine?
Ученики: He was a priest. He was sent to prison and executed
2-й ведущий. Now lets have fun! We need five boys and five girls. Boys one by one come up to this envelope and take one half of a heart and girls come up to that envelope and take one half each. Your task is to find your pair so that your halves make a heart. Do it as quickly as possible and when you have found each other stay with your pair. The first were. . . You are the winners, take your prizes!
После конкурса первой паре вручаются призы.
Please stay in your pairs up to the end of our party.
1-й ведущий. Do you know anything about the traditions of this day? What do people do on it?
Ученики: People send cards to their sweethearts and give them presents.
1-й ведущий. Its true. But do you know that in Europe and the USA not only sweethearts but also friends and neighbors, parents and children and even pupils and teachers exchange greetings?
Look at this list of people (on the blackboard or a poster). They are teachers, children, mothers, wives and sweethearts. In pairs your task is to put all those groups of people in order starting from the group that gets the greatest number of Valentines cards and the last group in your list will lie the people

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