Lesson Plan by Aleksei Subbotin
Smoking - No Tobacco Day
Warm Up
Write on the board Smoking is cool. See whether students agree or disagree with this sentence. Why? What makes people smoke?
Explain that today is International No Tobacco Day.
10 mins
Show a presentation where students can see smoking commercials. Ask them what makes these commercials/ads impressive and motivational?
10-15 minutes
Give students a set of words (card 1) on the board and elicit their meanings.
Ask how these words 1) can affect health; 2) affects your family budget; 3) affects other people
10-15 minutes
Ask studens to read the text and answer the questions and then discuss them. Card 2
Group work 15-20 minutes
Go back to commercials/adds youve seen recently. Students work in groups to create their own posters. They can draw them or make online on canva. com.
Card 1
Heart diseaseWrinklesBlood pressureCancerLungsPregnantBad breathAsthmaAllergyYellow fingersFluSecond hand smokeAnxiety
Card 2
Smoking and Environment
We all know about the effects of smoking on the health of smokers and the people they smoke around. However, many people are unaware of the harmful effects of smoking on the environment. So they must learn about it.
Cigarette smoke contains approximately 4,000 chemicals. The air pollution that results from cigarette smoke is 10 times greater than that from car fumes.
Each year, the world throws approximately 4. 3 trillion cigarette butts. Many of these cigarettes are never
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