Canada Day
Independent Day
Waitangi Day
Victory Day
At home you must find information about these holidays. Say what you know about them.
( рассказы учащихся о праздниках)
3. ( Подготовка к введению нового материала)
T. : Do you like family holidays?
Work in pairs. Discuss why people celebrate special days with their families? Choose one of the most important reason. ( работа в парах -карточки)
-Its time for the family to get together.
- They help each other to solve difficult life problems.
-They want to see each other.
- They like to sing and dance together.
- They come to watch TV.
P. : We think . . .
III. Изучение нового материала.
T. : I want you to guess what American holiday I am speaking about.
1. It is one of the most important days in American year.
2. People go to church, and families come together for the day.
3. They decorate their houses with fruits and flowers in autumn.
P. : Its Thanksgiving day.
T. : Listen to the poem about this holiday. ( стих. о празднике)
It is Thanksgiving,
It is Thanksgiving,
Oh, what fun for everyone.
Friends and family near,
Filled with holiday cheer.
Oh, what fun
Thanksgiving come!
T. : What do you know about this holiday?
P1. : Its an American holiday.
P2. : It is celebrated in autumn.
T. : What do you want to know?
P1: What is the origin of this holiday?
P2: What are the main traditions of the holiday?
P3: What are the main dishes prepared for holiday?
T. : I think you will get this information today on the lesson. Open your books : ex. 45, p. 104. Listen and repeat: ( аудиозапись - повторить слова за диктором).
( физминутка)
Now read the text &qu
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