Debate at the English lesson

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The Debate promote creative activity of the students, the preparation for them reputes acquaintance with a great number of materials on this or that problem, conducting of research, that enables to define the point of view on a problem, and then to compare their point of view with that of the opponent and to defend it during the game. The Debate promotes the extension of the outlook of the school children development of common culture, skills of speech, ability to respect judgment of other people.
The target group of the Debate program, certainly, are the university and high school students. However the program has also indirect influence on the teachers of schools involved in the trainers process The involvement in the program for them is a good school of civic education. The teacher, past training on usage of a technique of Debate, uses the technique of the Debate on occupations, that allows the debaters to consider their ideas while learning different subjects.
In emerging democracy societies Debate program is more likely to be used as a new socio technology in civic education, in creating democracy culture, in formation of civil society rather than simply an educational tool.

Karl Popper Format (time)

For: 1 speaker 6 min (questions - 3 min)
Against: 1 speaker 6 min (questions - 3 min)
For: 2 speaker 5 min (questions - 3 min)
Against: 2 speaker 5 min (questions - 3 min)
For: 3 speaker 5 min (no questions)
Against: 3 speaker 5 min (no questions)
Each team has spare time 3 min. They can use it (whole or by parts) for discussing.


Resolution- topic or problem the teams arguing on.
Definition- explanation of the meaning of resolutions wording.
Speaker- a member of

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