Clothes. Best of all I like to wear

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- shoes
i,r,s,h,t - shirt
r,s,t,h,o,s - shorts
m,r,l,e,l,a,u,b - umbrella
t,m,i,t,e,n,s - mittens
e,n,j,a,s - jeans

Well done! Now look at Lucky. He likes to draw very much. He wants you to draw some pictures. So, draw and then colour the clothes.
What beautiful pictures! Thank you!
5. Чтение текста «Одежда в разное время года». Информативное чтение с извлечением полной информации.

There are four seasons in the year. Each of them brings different weather and different dresses. When it is hot people wear T-shirts and shorts, light blouses and skirts, sport shoes, socks and sandals. In summer people dress like this in Africa, Russia, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain and America. In cold weather people usually put on warm clothes: jeans and trousers, sweaters and jackets, overcoats and caps. In winter they wear fur coats and fur caps, high boots and mittens or gloves. The proverb says: there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. Another proverb says: everything is good in its season. When you think what to wear, choose the right dress. Think what is good at the sports ground and what is good at the party and why a long dress looks beautiful on a woman but is funny on a little girl. When you buy clothes, try them on, make sure that they are your size, that they suit you well and that you like their colour.

6. Расскажите какую одежду вы любите носить в разное время года.
Образец высказывания: In summer best of all I like to wear…7. Рефлексия
- проверить эмоциональное состояние учащихся;
- проверить усвоение изученного материала.
Children, thank you for the lesson. You worked hard today. Now tell me please. Did you like the lesson? What task did you like best of all?

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