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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 4-м классе "Одежда. Оборот To be going to "
Сабирова Адилям Асановна, учитель английского языка второй категории, стаж 12 лет, КГУ "Школы - Гимназии 113 " г. Алматы
Данный урок направлен на активизацию навыков монологической и диалогической речи, на формирование навыков чтения и языковой догадки по теме "Одежда". Одной из целей урока является систематизация умений и навыков разговорной речи на основе раннее изученных грамматических и лексических структур по теме "Одежда" в форме диалогов и деловой игры.
Grade: 4
The aims of the lesson:
to expand vocabulary around the topic "Clothes"
to develop oral and written speech
to realize the moral education in respect for people , each other.
The equipments: computer, interactive board, illustrated pictures, video material, class CD.
The type of the lesson: summarizing the knowledge
The methods of teaching: presentation, question -- answer, pair work, individual work.
The procedure of the lesson:
І. Organization moment
1. Greetings
2. Talk to the pupils on duty
Teacher. Good morning, dear boys and girls! You can see, today we have an unusual lesson, we have many guests. Today we are going to talk about "Clothes". We are going to read , listen, write, play and sing At the beginning of our lesson I want you to wish each other the best results at the lesson . I wish you to be successful / / kind and clever / brave / capable / cheerful / / generous / smart / well-bred / wise / witty / lucky / happy. etc.
II. Homework checking up:
What was your homework? To repeat all words around the topic "Clothes". So look at the blackboard! it is a magical

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