who always tells the truth is . . . (honest).
Someone who feels awkward in the company is . . . (shy).
And now, to make a portrait of the ideal RM lets divide into 2 groups, choose the leader of your group.
Take these portraits, glue and felt tip pens. In your envelopes there are blocks of cards. You are to choose the variant that suits your idea best of all. My questions will help you!
Task 2:
How old should your ideal RM be? (17-18, 18-19, 20-21, it doesnt matter for me)
What should his / her appearance be? (tall, short, slim, fat, smart, sporty, good-looking, attractive, it doesnt matter for me)
What moral qualities should your ideal RM have? (shy, honest, calm, open, loyal, polite)
What characteristics (личные качества) are the most important from your point of view? (active, accurate - точный), strict, confident, tolerant, sense of humour, ability to speak English, ability to earn money, easygoing (с лёгким хар-ром), ambitious, ability to cook, workaholic, chatterbox, ability to observe the rules of co-existence).
What should / shouldnt the ideal RM do? Divide these statements into 2 columns
(speak too loudly, play loud music, get along with you (ладить), occupy the toilet or bathroom for a long time, be ready to sort out the problems (утрясать проблемы), ask too many questions if someone wants to be left alone, support you no matter if you are right or wrong, be ready to listen to you, keep his / her promise, tell you lies, tell you the truth no matter if you like it or not, forgive you for being rude or unfair, quarrel about silly unimportant things, envy (завидовать) your success, fit in (приспосабливаться), avoid conflicts with you, feel jealous (завидовать), observe the laws of co-existence).
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