ать вопросы из интервью в рабочую тетрадь и ответить на них. Упр. 32 стр. 88 написать о своем отношении к чтению, основываясь на рассказах детей из упр. 63 стр. 75
12. Рефлексия деятельности. Lets return to our theme. Do you remember it "TO READ OR NOT TO READ?" How can you answer the question? Then I have another question to you: "AND IF TO READ THAN WHAT AND WHEN TO START?"
Now take your answer sheets and answer the questions about this lesson. Вопросы для оценивания:
1. Will this lesson help you in doing your homework?
2. The lesson was
there was nothing new for you
3. Did you like the lesson?
4. At the lesson you were . . .
Working hard
working with pleasure
without straining (не напрягаясь)
5. Put a mark for your work at the lesson
2 3 4 5
1. Выставление оценок. Благодарность за урок. Прощание. I want to thank you for this lesson and say goodbye.
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