Can we learn to live in peace?

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to expect - ожидать, надеяться
to advise - советовать
a wife - жена
to remember - помнить, вспоминать
to obey - подчиняться, повиноваться
to punish - наказывать
to leave - оставлять, покидать
to argue - спорить
to resolve - решать
c) to share - делить
to get on - ладить
an editor - редактор
to refuse - отказывать, отказаться
peacefully - мирно
sincerelу - искренне
to prevent - предотвращать, мешать
to get/be upset - расстраиваться
2. Работа с учебником - ex. 51, page 118
а) Look at the picture and answer the questions:
Whom do you see in the picture? (to the left, to the right)
Are the boys arguing now?
Are the parents upset because of the quarrel between their sons?
What has happened between the boys?
b) Listen to the dialogue and find the information.
- The conflict started because Chris wanted his brother to give him the remote control.
3. Работа с рисунками по теме: What kind of a conflict could it be?
a) Look at the pictures and answer the question.
b) Work in pairs.
4. Работа над грамматикой - конструкция с инфинитивом после глаголов: want, ask, advise, tell, expect - ex. 52, p. 119
Mind the use of grammar:
After the verbs:
ask (спрашивать)
want (хотеть, желать)
expect (надеяться, ожидать) me/you/him
advise (советовать) her/us/them to do
tell (рассказывать)
E. g. :
The teacher wants us to be polite and friendly.
The parents expect them to be good friends.
But remember:
Make (заставлять) me/ you/ . . . do
let ( разрешать, позволять) . . . /him/her/. . . . . . do
E. g. :
I let him use my bicycle.
My brother makes me clean the table after meal. <

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