Books in our life

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Тема урока "Books in our life".

1. Провести практику устной речи, аудирования и чтения по теме "Books in our life"

2. Ознакомить учащихся с высказываниями великих людей о пользе чтения

3. "Чтение - вот лучшее учение" - книга - учитель, друг, воспитать у учащихся необходимость бережного отношения к книгам.
I . Организационный момент.
T: Books are very important in our life. We take knowledge from books. They help us to live and to work. We can not buy all books we want to read, that is why we go to the library. What is the library?
P 1 : A library is a collection of books. If you have fifty or sixty books at home, this is your library. A library is also a building where there is a large collection of books. There are libraries for grown-ups and libraries for children.
T:- P 2: Can you add?
P 2: Yes, sure. We may take out three books at a time and keep them for two weeks. If we have not finished reading a book by the end of two weeks, we may go to the library and say that we want it for longer time.
T: What books can you see at the library?
P 2: There are many books at the library. For smaller children you can take fairy tales, books on geography, books on art, books on science. Some like to read travel books or adventure books. As for me a book about great people is a present for me. Others like spy books, detective books, fiction. Girls and women like love stories.
II. Выполнение заданий по тем:
Драматизация коротких диалогов. P 1 - P 2 ; . P 3 - P 4; P 5- P 6.
- What books do you like to read?
- I prefer adventure books. And What about you? -
- I do not think much about adventure books. I would like to read books on

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