Books are our friends

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And cannot see,
But they are good
To you and me. /Books/

Teacher:Now lets see who knows proverbs best. Ill give you some English proverbs and you will give the Russian equivalents to them.
1. A great ship asks for deep waters.
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
3. All is well that ends well.
4. Better late than never.
5. Everything is good in its season.
6. Its never too late to learn.
7. Live and learn.
8. One man,no man.
9. So many men,so many minds.
10. Two heads are better than one.

1. Большому кораблю большое плавание.
2. Друзья познаются в беде.
3. Всё хорошо,что хорошо заканчивается.
4. Лучше поздно,чем никогда.
5. Всё хорошо в своё время.
6. Учиться никогда не поздно.
7. Век живи -- век учись.
8. Один в поле не воин.
9. Сколько людей, столько и мнений.
10. Ум хорошо,а два лучше.

Teacher:Well done!Now students,lets have a little fun. Ill give you an English tongue-twister. The team which says it the most quickly will be a winner.
Ученикам даётся скороговорка: Dont trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Teacher: Thank you very much. And now,here are the words on our topic with the mixed letters. What are these words? Write them and read.
Учащиеся обеих команд получают наборы букв и составляют слова.
Oobk (book), fousam (famous), rarybil (library), ookopshb (bookshop),velon (novel),empo (poem),retriw (writer),aderer (reader),eroh (hero),tnevuread (adventure).

Teacher: Are you tired? Lets sing a song and dance!
Books are forever my best friends
Wonderful stories with twists and bends
From magical lands and animal tales
To adventures at sea,on ships and sails.

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