How many parts of a resume are there?
Do you know what an Еnglish teacher does?
Look a the collage and discuss how the people are dressed?
How do you dress for study in your country? Is it OK to wear bright and colorful clothes?
Lets dicsuss about a college dress code.
Gen Me
Teacher: Lets turn to computer lessons.
Explain/ Demonstrate workbook activities –page 45,46
Сабаққа белсенді қатысқан оқушылар бағаланады. Баға түсіндіріледі.
Travel Leisure
Copywriter is someone who writes texts to be used in ads.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- I am fine, thanks, and you?
- I am Ok. My name is Almira Temirzhan. Do you read my resume?
- Yes, I do. I read your resume. Have you worked as a copywriter?
- Yes, I have. I have three years work experience.
- You are suitable for this work, I think.
- I am very glad to hear it. Good-bye!
- Good-bye!
An English teacher is responsible for upbringing and education of children. An English teacher prepares lesson plans, conducts lessons and extra-curricular works, teach an English language.
1. The article is about the job experience of three generations.
2. I was surprised when Ive read the article.
3. I like the ideas of the article,really Im Gen Meand it is useful to know more information about yourself.
4. To my mind, the article doesnt motivate young people to work.
5. Creativity is the key word of the article,young people are more confident than their parents.
6. I make up my mind when I look for a job Ill ask a flexible work week and more money.
Оқушылар білімін кеңейтеді,жаңа материалды қабылдауға әзірленеді, тілдерін жаттықтыра
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