At the Zoo

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d up!
Hands up!


Hands down!
Sit down!
Task2 Animals world of three languages (жануарлар әлемі таспадан тыңдап,қайталату)
Task3 -Dear my friends do you like cartoons? -Oh, yeah, you really enjoy cartoons? - What kind of cartoons do you like? /pupil name the names of cartoons/ - Thats why youll answer the questions from the famous cartoons and fairytales and youll name the main characters? 1. Who is the friend of Masha? /bear/ 2. What animal is the enemy of Mawgli? /tiger/ 3. What animal have eaten the baursak? /fox/ 4. Who dressed by Little Red Riding-Hood in the fairytale Little Red Riding-Hood? /wolf/
Task4. Make the puzzle – therell be the animals (хайуанаттарды қарындашпен бояу, сұрақ-жауап) What colour is the bear? Etc.
III. Speaking: Open your books on page 33 ex 3. Read the text about animals. Slaid (count and say, read and choose ) 1,2 Reflexion: Is it a bear/snake/wolf? Yes, it is No, it isnt Do you like our zoo? Was it interesting? We must go back home! As a token of please have a photo and our animals give you sweets and say thanks for you visiting! They said Come you again! Үйге тапсырма. T: Open your diaries and write down your home task: Ex 3 p33 (translate the text) Жаңа сөздерді жаттау. Сабақты қорытындылау. Алдымен оқушылардың білімін бағалаймын. The lesson is over! Good bye!
Қандық бастауыш мектебі
Ашық сабақ.

Пән мұғалімі: А. А. Кстаубаева

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