/> a cough- кашель
a toothache- зубная боль
a sore throat- больное горло
hurt- болеть, причинять боль
twist an ankle подвернуть лодышку
a temperature- температура
to strip to the waist- раздеться до пояса
to feel pulse- послушать пульс
blood pressure- артериальное давление
A bandage- бинт, повязка.
chemists- аптека
a burn- ожог
insomnia- бессонница
a headache- головная боль
a pain in the leg(in the arm, in the chest, ) боль в ноге, руке,груди.
sprain a wrist -растянуть запястье
break a leg- сломать ногу.
Plaster- гипс
Doctors card
nameage problemtreatment
Give advice
If you ve got the flu
If youve got a cold
If youve got a cough
If youve got a burn
If youve got a cut
If youve got toothache
If youve got a sore throat
If youve cut your finger
If youve burnt your arm
If youve broken your leg
If youve broken your armyou should
you shouldnt
you must
you have tostay in bed and keep warm
drink hot milk with baking soda and honey
go out
have X-ray
take tablets and drink much water
pull your tooth out
put a plaster on it
put a bandage on it
put your finger under cold water
drink hot herbal tea
drink tea with raspberry jam
eat onion and garlic
drink tea with cranberry jam
eat ice-cream and drink cold water
2. Read and reproduce the dialogue( for the students who have difficulty in making dialogues)
— Good morning! Can I help you?
— Good morning. I have a sore throat.
— Is it difficult to breathe?
— Oh, yes, it is. It is difficult to swallow and breathe.
— Do you have a high temperature?
— No, I dont. Have you taken any medi
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