Ашық сабақ

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in a week.
. . . books on the table.
. . . a bee in the tree.


I. To introduce with the new words: museum, bookshop, hospital, library, square, cinema, theatre.

Copy out the new words in to your vocabularies.
II. Listening and reading the text. Track 26
a) listen
b) read one by one
c) translate
Pupils read the new words.
Museum -
Bookshop -
Hospital -
Library -
Square -
Cinema -
Theatre -
Pupils listening and reading the text.
P 38

The main part

Work with group.
1st group - True or False
2nd group - Do the crossword
3rd group - Venn diagram

1st group - True or False
1. There is a river in the city.
2. There are two hospitals in the city.
3. There arent cafes in the city.
4. There is one museum in the city.
5. There arent buses in the city.
6. There is a sport shop in the city.
Playing a game "Find the missing letters"
Reflection "The Sun" and "The Sky"
oo How do you feel?
Evolution. Giving the marks
The Lesson is over. Thank you children. Good bye.
Pupils playing a game "Find the missing letters"
m. . . seum, booksh. . . p, hospit. . . l, l. . . brary, squar. . . , cin. . . ma, the. . . tre, b. . . nk, schoo . . . , par . . . , cit . . . , stre. . . t.
Good bye, teacher.

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